Agency Starter Kit™

A proven success blueprint for a 7-figure agency

Are you struggling to figure out how to structure your digital service agency, how to hire and grow a team, and what kind of processes you need to implement?

It is time to take control of your future as an entrepreneur.

Agency Starter Kit™ is a proven success blueprint for a 7-figure agency and more—it's an easy-to-follow blueprint that'll help you to get your new agency up and running with just enough guidance to help you make smart decisions.

Created by someone that's made every (agency) mistake in the book.

This ultimate kit offers actionable advice, templates and processes to save you hundreds of hours and costly mistakes!

What's inside?

Here's what you can expect:

  • Accessible, practical lessons with relevant stories and case studies.
  • Easy-to-use templates that can be easily customized to your needs.
  • Adaptable processes can save you hundreds of hours, enabling you to focus on other things.
  • Delivered in the format you know and love, Google Docs. Coming to Notion, get free access when it's ready.
  • Get free video guides included in your Agency Starter Kit™, available later this year.

What I have so far:

(I might drop in few extras, just because!)

  1. Brand your agency like a pro. Ditch expensive branding agencies and save money. Get started with actionable lessons and templates to attract the right kind of clients (who will actually pay you)!
  2. Learn how to strut your stuff. Turn your services into an irresistible offer and handle clients with confidence. Use feedback from clients to inform your business decisions, with the help of market research. Includes valuable lessons packed with ready made templates saving you hours!
  3. A good onboarding and off-boarding process can help you create a smooth transition from client to client. Learn from 10+ lessons and templates that are easy to customize for your agency.
  4. You don't have to be a veteran project manager to start managing projects like one. A detailed section that has all the tips, tricks and ready-made processes you will ever need!
  5. Create an employee experience that keeps on giving. In this section, you will find 9+ chapters providing important lessons and processes on onboarding and building a healthy company culture.

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